Its my first post; thought would start the same way as a Java class. The magic number for a .class file is 0xCAFEBABE. As Patrick Naughton says, the magic number was fixed even before the programming language was christened as Java, probably as a tribute to the cute barristas at the Peet's coffee. Java as a language has matured; its omnipresent from browser applets to swing applications to complex server side components to its miniature form J2ME. Now with the introduction of JavaFx, its bound to give other programming languages a run for their money.
On a spiritual note, this tempts me to compare Java with that of the omnipresent brahman which has been described as vast as the entire universe in Purusha Sukta and as small and pervasive as that miniature particle, which forms the basis of any object living & non living as described in Narayana Sukta.
yaccha kinchit jagat sarvam drishyate shruyatepiva
antar bahischatat sarvam vyapya narayana stitaha
The primary motivation behind this blog is to write some interesting articles which I can refer back at a later stage; as well as share the same with the rest of the folks in the developer community. Expect to continue the tempo, even after the initial post....
On a spiritual note, this tempts me to compare Java with that of the omnipresent brahman which has been described as vast as the entire universe in Purusha Sukta and as small and pervasive as that miniature particle, which forms the basis of any object living & non living as described in Narayana Sukta.
yaccha kinchit jagat sarvam drishyate shruyatepiva
antar bahischatat sarvam vyapya narayana stitaha
Whatever all this universe is, seen or heard of, pervading all thisApply this to the enterprise domain, you can safely replace narayana with Java :-)
from inside and outside alike, stands supreme the
Eternal Divine Being.
The primary motivation behind this blog is to write some interesting articles which I can refer back at a later stage; as well as share the same with the rest of the folks in the developer community. Expect to continue the tempo, even after the initial post....
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